Love WhatsApp status videos

 Love WhatsApp status videos

Our wonderful Collection of Best Love Status set you amused and as well as cheer up. Love is the most adorable and fantastic feeling in the world. No one can explain the feelings when he/ she in love.

whatsappstatus gives you the words or love status through which you can express your feelings and thoughts. Nowdays people want to set their whatsapp status to show their love feelings towards the someone special or to the whole world.

Our list of Best Love Status & Quotes helps you to find the proper lines, quotes that you can share with your beloved ones and feel them special. So , don’t waste your time now take a look of the top best love status here .
  • When the heart takes over, the mind can’t do a thing!! 
  • I wont deny that I like you. Neither would I admit. 
  • I will love you forever until the end of time! No matter what you do! Cause you are my forever! And nothing you do will make my stop loving you
Love WhatsApp status videos

  • Place your time and energy on someone who will add sunshine to your life. Life is too short to waste on the wrong one.
  • Thank you for coming into my life. For letting me feel this love that I have for you. Because not everybody is as lucky as I am… To be loved by you! 
  • You are one of those beautiful things that happened to my life and made my life worthwhile.

What'sapp love status

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